At last! Here comes Indiana Fashion Week 2021 and here comes the Emerging designers you’ll see at fashion week! One of the eight designers showcasing their collections is Misty Dodson, designer and brand owner of Bond Girl No. 9. Misty shared her thoughts on what fashion means to her personally and how she creates such amazing designs in this Emerging Perspectives interview!
G: What does fashion mean to you personally?
M: Personally, it means communication. expression. I like when I… you know… I think everybody does; whenever they put on their outfit, that’s kind of like how they feel that day. And so they can express themselves through their clothing.
G: Yeah, that’s what I think too. Like, it’s a form of expression.
G: How do you go about creating your designs?
M: I get a lot of inspiration off of fabrics. Like if I see a fabric, I can design around that fabric. Or I’ll do some sketches. And then I’ll find a fabric for that. But it’s really, I just really look for the fabrics.
“I want the woman to feel like she’s, you know, she’s strong in her beauty.”
As a brand, it is important to have a clear message/mission statement, as to what you are wanting to relay to your target audience. In the interview, Misty explains what her goal is for those wearing her clothing.
G: What is your goal for those that are wearing your designs? How do you want them to feel?
M: I want them to feel like a badass, basically. Of course, Bond Girl No. 9, you know, it’s all about the strong woman, you know, and when they put on my clothing, I want the woman to feel like she’s, you know, she’s strong in her beauty. And she can basically take on the world; like it’s like an armor that she’s putting on. Because if you’ve seen my stuff, it’s a little dark, you know, but still kind of sophisticated. So, that’s my goal is to, to just help them feel like they’re a strong, powerful woman in this crazy world.
Misty also shares how she felt when rebranding her brand to Bond Girl No.9 and some tips for those rebranding/creating a brand.
G: So I know, I think you rebranded your company. Were there any challenges with that?
M: I used to go by Apgar Fashions, so it’s just I just wanted to try something on my own. Um, so yeah, I decided to rebrand to Bond Girl No.9, and at first I was like, “Oh, yeah, that’s cool.” Then I was a little like, “I don’t know about that.” But then now I’m to the point where, like, it’s pretty awesome. So yeah, so it’s an up and down kind of thing. But I’m still working at it. So, yeah, but really, it wasn’t too hard. Just deciding on what you want to do and who you want to, you know, what your name is going to be? And just do it?
G: Do you have any tips for those that are wanting to either start a new brand or to like, rebrand into something new?
M: I would say, just decide on what you want to do, or how you want to rebrand and just go for it. I mean, really, what I did was I just like, I looked up the name, and it’s not trademarked or anything. So, I was good to go with that. And you just have to get your licenses and things like that, to make sure that nobody else has the brand, the name. Um, and just, that’s, I think that’s all you really need.
During the interview, Misty shares a little on her mini collection and what inspired her.
G: You have an upcoming collection for the show, what is your inspiration for that?
M: Currently, what I’m working on for the show. My inspiration is feeling strong getting through COVID and just trying to, you know, power through everything. I wanted to create a mini collection of just as obviously my style, but just something powerful.
From rebranding and designing stylish, comfortable and trendy clothing’ Misty Dodson won’t let last year’s events bring her down! Or her designs! Catch Misty and her contemporary clothing brand, Bond Girl NO.9 at the grand fashion show at Indiana Fashion Week!
For more about Misty’s brand, Bond Girl No. 9, visit and follow @bondgirlno.9