Rebranding. Fashion trends revolve in time so much that the eclectic styles of the 70s and 80s are back in style fresh as if they were never yesteryears’ hot topic.
In speaking with one of our emerging designers, Misty Dodson of Apgar Fashions, I was intrigued in discovering that a fresh perspective is on the horizon in how she communicates her works of art to the fashion community. She currently is rebranding Apgar Fashion to Bond Girl No. 9.
“As a Bond Girl, you will feel beautiful, confident, sexy, and empowered,” says Misty. Check out her perspective on fashion and more as we conversed behind the sew:
Kevina: Misty, what’s your perspective on fashion?
Misty: I have a dynamic goal. Because there is a lot of fast fashion, it’s hard on the economy. I am an independent designer that will create ways to streamline creating customized garments. All while simultaneously using less waste that will positively impact climate change.
K: Wow, that is amazing and gave me a different outlook and perspective of creating fashion. So what or who inspires your art?
M: I’d say it is a family trait. My Dad was an upholsterer. He cut fabric and made couches, etc. I was going to be a lawyer but changed [my] career to fashion. I received my first sewing machine at age 12. At that point, I decided to just go for it.
K: Where do you see your career in fashion going over the next 5 years?
M: I see my company up and running, I will start in Indy, and then expand. My goal is to be flourishing with the rebrand, Bond girl No. 9. I’ll be full span and operating eco friendly as to help the environment as well.
K: What type of garment or fabric expresses your personality?
M: I’d say a lion print saffron. When I look at a lion in its beauty, it’s gorgeous. This garment is soft and beautiful and flows. I can be a strong woman, soft, beautiful and elegant in its likeness.
K: Indiana Fashion Foundation is all about serving the community. What philanthropic efforts would you like to have with the community?
M: I definitely want to get more involved with the community. I’m very political. I believe this to (segway), as fashion will be so huge in the future. As noted before, I have a passion to help environmentally within the community as well in creating fashions that are minimally harsh on the economy.
When Misty is not in the studio creating, she spends most of her time with her 8 year old son. Quality time with family is amongst the most important things for her. After all that we’ve shared, I’m excited to see what she brings to the runway!
Now that you’ve learned more about this emerging designer, come and see the creations live at the 2019 Indiana Fashion Week Emerging Designer Fashion Show! Tickets are now on sale for this extravagant event.
Visit http://bit.ly/indfw19-tickets to secure your tickets to the Making it IN Fashion Industry Day Conference & The Runway Shows. INDFW19 June 18-22nd, 2019.